Our Most Frequently Asked Questions

Won’t I save money by doing it myself?

Sure you can save money by doing it yourself and if you have the time and energy to do, that’s great! However, many people find that it’s easier to leave it up to the professionals who can do it in half the time and not have half the problems that can occur when doing it yourself. That’s because we’ve been doing this for over 14 years and we can foresee any problems and work around them to prevent them from happening in the first place.

If you’re in business, hiring us to maintain your gardens for you means you have less administrative hassle with less staff to manage and the work will always be done on time.

How do I know you’re a professional landscaping company and not some fly-by-nighter?

It seems anyone can pick up a spade and call themselves a landscaper. There is no formal yardstick that anyone has to complete before they can call themselves a specialised landscape artist. So when you read, “At Hort Services we are dedicated to providing the most professional services to our customers”, you think, “I’ve heard it all before”. So what makes us different? We actually mean it.

We are family owned and operated and despite being a large business servicing locations across the North Island, we strongly believe in and maintain small business ethics. This means that we take pride in our work and the satisfaction of our customers. We enjoy creating and maintaining attractive grounds not only because of the personal sense of accomplishment, but also because of the satisfaction we get from seeing our customers and the users of the grounds appreciate the fine work we do.

That is why, when you are looking to transform the external look of your business, you can trust us to provide you with the results you want – guaranteed.

What if my work isn’t finished on time or to standard?

We do everything within our power to deliver what we say we will on time but if weather or any unforeseen events crop up, we’ll keep you informed of progress and make sure you understand what’s happening.

If you’re at all unhappy about the final look of your garden, we’ll fix it – FREE!

How will it work if my business is based in another city that’s not Whanganui?

We have many companies around New Zealand who we maintain gardens for with teams of landscapers based either in the same city or nearby. This way we can manage everything from Whanganui but you have a local team of people who do the actual work. We make monthly visits to make sure everything is up to standard and have a regular reporting system so you know you’re getting what you pay for.

For a full list of our ground maintenance services, view our ‘Menu’ of options. You can also contact us to discuss what you want out of your property and we’ll make time to help you out.


Get a free landscaping consultation to the value of $249.00! Simply submit your details below and we will organise someone to come out and see you.

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