We Look After the Team’s Health and Safety

We pride ourselves on keeping workers safe and managing systems so you don’t have to.

Here at Horticultural Services, we have signed up with the ACC Workplace Safety Management Practices Program to help build safer workplaces throughout New Zealand. By putting systems and processes in place that promote injury prevention, we are keeping our team and in turn our customers safe.

The program works to prevent injuries as well as giving an externally audited, national safety framework to abide by. Our commitment to keep Health and Safety at the forefront of our business demonstrates to our customers that we provide a safe workplace for our employees.


The ACC Workplace Safety Management Practices program audits businesses to determine compliance. Our employees will become safer by doing this and you will also have the peace of mind knowing that you are employing a contractor who is certified as compliant with ACC workplace safety standards. It’s a win-win for everyone!

For a full list of our ground maintenance services, view our ‘Menu’ of options. You can also contact us to discuss what you want out of your property and we’ll make time to help you out.

Health and Safety Statement

We are united in our commitment and continual improvement to leading the industry in a safe and enjoyable work environment. We will meet or exceed industry safety standards. We support consultation, early reporting with employees and sub-contractors of incidences, and support for the safe and early return to work of employees. If an employee is injured the view is to return the staff member back to the work force as soon as possible.


Get a free landscaping consultation to the value of $249.00! Simply submit your details below and we will organise someone to come out and see you.

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